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April 19, 2022

By positioning communities in a leading role, the Penn Cultural Heritage Center reframes the preservation of cultural heritage within a context of social, political, and economic development. The Center demonstrates and disseminates their strategy through field projects, research, engagement in public policy, and public programs that emphasize the centrality of community priorities for successful outcomes.

Founded in 2008, and directed by Richard M. Leventhal, the Penn Cultural Heritage Center draws upon the expertise of scholars and the research collections of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Its present organization involves the collaboration of researchers across the University of Pennsylvania and beyond whose research intersects with contemporary heritage issues. Since the Center’s inception, it has focused primarily on creating forums that bring together academics with non-academic stakeholders in cultural property policy programs.

Dr. Brian Daniels, director of research and programs for the Penn Cultural Heritage Center was the keynote speaker at Crossroads 2022: Interconnecting Cultures; Creating Communities. Dr. Daniels is an adjunct assistant professor in the University of Pennsylvania anthropology graduate group, visiting professor in the Sustainable Cultural Heritage Graduate Program at the American University of Rome, and research associate at the Smithsonian Institution.

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February 15, 2022

Founded in 1976 in celebration of the nation's Bicentennial, the African American Museum in Philadelphia (AAMP) is the first institution funded and built by a major municipality to preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. Throughout its evolution, the museum has objectively interpreted and presented the achievements and aspirations of African Americans from pre-colonial times to the current day.

The museum is committed to telling the story of African Americans in all its permutations: family life, the Civil Rights movement, arts and entertainment, sports, medicine, architecture, politics, religion, law and technology. The AAMP currently houses four galleries and an auditorium, each of which offer exhibitions anchored by one of our three dominant themes: the African Diaspora, the Philadelphia Story, and the Contemporary Narrative.

Watch a recording of the Virtual Event below:

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September 27, 2021

Carpenters' Hall is a treasure in historic Philadelphia. It hosted the First Continental Congress in 1774 and was home to Franklin's Library Company, The American Philosophical Society, and the First and Second Banks of the United States.

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View the GPADC Tools of the Trade PDF Presentation 

Listen to the GPADC Tools of the Trade Presentation! 


Virtual Workshop: "The Four Seasons"

Jenkins Arboretum and Gardens is a 48-acre botanical garden located in Devon, PA. Visitors are welcomed into the gardens every day of the year to enjoy a collection of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and ferns in a tranquil, naturalistic landscape. In addition to plants native to the eastern United States, Jenkins also features an accredited, world-class collection of rhododendrons and azaleas from across the globe.

Join us on May 18, 2021 at 10 am as we take a virtual tour through Four Seasons at Jenkins Arboretum and Gardens.

We will start off by taking a look back in time at the founding of the gardens over 45 years ago, and then revisit some of the major garden developments over the years. Finally, we will take time for a virtual stroll through the gardens throughout the seasons, enjoying everything from the vibrancy of spring azalea blooms to the contemplative architecture of winter trees.

To learn more about Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens, visit us online at!

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Virtual Workshop: "Defining Justice"

Eastern State Penitentiary, an abandoned prison turned criminal justice museum, is one of the top tourist destinations in Philadelphia. As the first true penitentiary in the world, this is definitely the place to examine the past and present of criminal justice reform and consider: What comes next?

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 10am we will participate in one of their most popular virtual workshops, “Defining Justice.” This interactive program explores prison's past and present, and utilizes inquiry-based learning to catalyze conversation about what justice means to each of us.

We will meet and discuss with staff leaders in Education and Tour Programs who built the new virtual classroom visits. In the process, they navigated teaching social justice programming against the backdrop of a global pandemic, a summer of protests, and the recent 2020 election.

In addition, we will learn about Eastern State’s role as a ‘fair chance’ employer and its focus on hiring formerly incarcerated people onto the Education team. To learn more about Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site, please visit

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Virtual New Works Mural Arts Tour

Mural Arts Philadelphia, the largest public arts program of its kind in the country, is offering a unique way to explore the world's largest outdoor art gallery, from your home as you join us on a virtual tour featuring 14 murals that have been created over the last 3 years. With a live professionally-trained Mural Arts tour guide, guests will "travel” through different Philadelphia neighborhoods to view these stunning murals as well as learn about the 35 year history of Mural Arts and its dynamic program areas. Art lovers will see murals bursting with geometric shapes and bright colors as well as works that celebrate charismatic figures and hear the stories behind

each mural. For further details including pricing or to

schedule your unforgettable tour, please contact Ellen


Don't miss this exciting opportunity to see firsthand how art ignites change - transforming communities and the people who live there.

Featured artist: Amy Sherald, whose murals are available for touring.

Click here for Mural Arts Tours

Click here for the Mural Arts homepage

Click here for Mural Arts programs  

Click here for various Artworks

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